“He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing. So you, too, must show love to foreigners, for you yourselves were once foreigners in the land of Egypt..”
Deuteronomy 10:18-19 (NLT)
The Covid-19 virus has affected the world in more ways than one. Some are affected more severely than others. The impact would definitely be felt in a greater measure with the Circuit Breaker extended to 1 June 2020. Therefore, a call is made to raise funds from members to allay some of the social concerns that have been highlighted in the media, especially during the Circuit Breaker period. This way, the church will be able to give to those who are struggling and impacted by the measures by sharing our resources and giving to those in need like the early church did in Acts 2.
With the widespread impact of the Covid-19 situation, the migrant workers have been badly affected with many living in the dormitories contracting the virus, contributing to the spike in numbers in Singapore since the start of the Circuit Breaker on 7 April 2020. The numbers are increasing rapidly, and the needs are growing exponentially by the day.
Another social concern is for the homeless who are in need of a shelter. During the Circuit Breaker period, we are told to stay at home. This would pose a challenge for the homeless with nowhere to go and no roof over their heads. MSF has indicated that the current facilities have reached their maximum capacity.
Finally, with companies suffering heavy losses due to the closure of non-essential workplaces, many will likely lose their jobs and face financial difficulties in the months ahead. The government has stepped in to offer some help, but more help will be needed if this Covid-19 pandemic persists.
Thankfully, none of our Telugu brothers have contracted the virus. However, they face other challenges.
It is uncertain if they will be paid or suffer any pay cut during this period. A loss of income would have a ripple effect on their families back home who are dependent on them.
Due to the restricted movements, they will not be able to go to the bank to remit money home and have no way of topping up their SIM cards to stay connected with their loved ones.
About 10 members had returned home for their home leave before the Circuit Breaker kicked in. They are currently stuck in their home countries. Because they are not here, their employers are not obligated to pay them any salaries or even re-hire them when the situation stabilises. These brothers need immediate jobs and income to sustain their livelihood.
The homeless include people from all ages, both male and female.
Recent Singapore weather had forecasted temperature readings ranging between 30-35 degrees with occasional heavy rains. Having no home to return to, this group is vulnerable to the merciless elements which are a risk to their overall health and wellbeing.
Being left out in the public exposes them to the Covid-19 virus and they could become potential carriers of the virus, who will in turn pose a risk to others.
According to Homeless Hearts, some of the homeless include young, low-income women. They become vulnerable to sexual exploitation and injustice.
This group would require a shelter to house them as soon as possible.
With companies suffering heavy losses during this season, various measures are implemented to ensure that companies stay afloat. These will have an impact on church members and their livelihood.
Some will be forced to take no pay leave or have pay cuts for a period. This means that they will not be paid or will be paid less for a few months. A loss of income of any amount would be felt immediately with monthly bills to pay.
Self-employed members would struggle as the lack of job opportunities means an immediate loss of income. With the Circuit Breaker extending to 1 June, it means an extended period of little to no income for them as well.
Some will unfortunately be let go to cut company losses. This group would be the hardest hit as they would suffer the double jeopardy of having to seek employment during a pandemic while worrying about putting food on the table for the family.
$10,000 (Apr-June): $100 for each Telugu worshipper for daily expenses and SIM card top-up so they can be in touch with their loved ones back home.
$10,000 (Apr-June): $100 for each Telugu worshipper to send some money back to their family for their living expenses.
$10,000 will be reserved for any further needs if the CB is extended beyond 1 June.
These are one-time love gifts to be disbursed through Pastor Danny and his co-leaders.
All members will come under the pastoral care of Pastor Danny Modi.
The pastors and staff will assess and render appropriate support to church members who need financial assistance to tide them through for a few months.
They can either be referred to or reach out directly to the pastoral and staff team for help.
The duration, amount, and type of financial assistance will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
We plan to set aside $20,000 for the running of a S3P (Safe, Sound, Sleeping Place), shelter for the Homeless at Bartley church (Max. 20 stayers).
Ps Kevin Goh will be the overall-in-charge of the Shelter. He will be supported by Thomas Koh (Facilities Mgr.) and DSP Tony Ng (BCO), together with volunteers.
As a church and God’s people, we can certainly play a part in reaching out to these communities and grow towards being “A Church Without Borders. A Community Without Walls.”. Therefore, we are making a call to raise funds from members to allay some of the social concerns that have been highlighted in the media.
We aim to raise a total of $100,000 to use as a Solidarity Relief Fund, to provide some financial assistance to the 3 groups identified above. This is the breakdown of how the money will be used:
Your contribution can be made through Bartley Christian Church via:
1. Inter-Bank Transfer
DBS Autosave A/c No: 047-007309-0
(Bank/Branch Code 7171/047)
2. PayNow
Unique Entity Number (UEN): 197801655D or scan this QR code using your bank’s mobile banking app.
Download Bank Apps via
a) Please send an email to accounts@bartley.org.sg and Indicate your full name for identification purposes.
b) State in the email for BCC “Solidarity Relief Fund”
If you have further questions, please email us at: info@bartley.org.sg